Priyanka Jha | Campus Life | Global Indian

Balancing career and academia: Priyanka Jha’s Oxford experience

By: Amrita Priya

Name: Priyanka Jha | Institution:  Said Business School, University of Oxford | Course: Master’s Degree Program in Strategy and Innovation  

Talking about her master’s program at the Said Business School of the University of Oxford, Priyanka Jha, a corporate worker tells Global Indian, “It has changed me. The course has transformed me! My belief in self has intensified. That makes for a confident leader.” Considering herself a lifelong learner she loves travelling to Oxford University in the UK from the USA as part of the program requirement. “Given that the program is meant for working professionals, it is designed in a hybrid manner spread across four modules. We are expected to be on campus for about a week every two months,” she informs.

“The course content, university network, inspiring stories of world’s most notable leaders as alumni – transforms how you see the world. It brings in a sense of responsibility that I have to apply this privileged educational experience for the highest good of society the best possible way I can. So, it goes beyond a career landscape to truly becoming who you really want to be,” tells the HCLTech employee who has been working at the organization for the last 10 years, and has relocated from India to North Carolina in the U.S., three years back. Below is an account of Priyanka’s further studies experiences  at the University of Oxford:

Priyanka Jha | Campus Life | Global Indian

Priyanka Jha during one of her in-person modules at the Said Business School of the University of Oxford

Key Highlights 

  • Embrace transformation through education: Investing in further education can profoundly enhance your confidence and leadership skills, driving personal and professional growth.
  • Commit to lifelong learning: Keep the curiosity alive. Traveling for your studies, even from afar, enriches your experience and broadens your perspective.
  • Value the campus experience: Immerse yourself in the on-campus experience whenever possible. The environment, the people, and the vibrant academic life contribute significantly to your personal and professional development.
  • Make the most of hybrid Learning: Choose programs designed for working professionals. A hybrid format allows you to balance your career while gaining a world-class education.
  • Master the balancing act: Passion can fuel your ability to juggle studies, work, and personal life. Rely on the support of friends, family, and colleagues to help you stay on track.

As a working professional why did you choose to venture into further studies?

As a working professional, often we get boxed into linear thinking. A touch with academics breaks that mould and creates fascinating advantages for your career and professional aspirations. I love learning. I feel it opens up our mind to possibilities beyond what we can see. The more we learn, the more inclusive we become as human beings. Thus, I continue to immerse myself in various facets of a growth journey.

Why did you choose the Master’s Degree Program in Strategy and Innovation and what made you choose the Said Business School of the University of Oxford?

Well, I grew up in India. When I started working for a global IT company, I got introduced to the US clientele followed by my relocation to the US. With this experience so far, I felt a UK based Institute will truly help me with a global mindset and exposure. Plus, who can say no to Oxford!

How many times have you been there and do you stay inside the campus or lodging somewhere else?

So far, I have visited the campus 3 times – and I must say, it is magical! Given the “city is the campus” format of Oxford, we are always in the heart of it all. We prefer to take up lodging close to the Business School where our classes are held.

Oxford University

Oxford University

Please elaborate on offline classes in the hybrid model – like how many hours you spend each day while on campus and what does campus life encompass – are there just lectures to attend or other activities as well?

When on campus, we have a highly engaging schedule. Classes start at 9 AM but we always end up before to catch on coffee and readings for the class. This continues between classes as well – discussing, chit-chatting about the class discussions, forming new opinions, brain-storming new ideas.. Oh! It’s electric.

In the evenings we always have some events either curated for us by the Program Team or just with our cohort. We have some classic spots to hang out. Once worn out, we head through the beautiful streets back to our rooms to prepare for the next day.

Reading lists are exhaustive. But working them through with friends always helps. Beyond some professor-led classes on various topics, we have voluntary student-led sessions every weekend where we discuss identified case studies, module content, etc. We also have identified many initiatives beyond just class work! So, hours are hard to count, when passion kicks in. But yes, you do get a lot more even with little investments because of the immensity of diverse mind-share. 

How is the experience of studying in a campus abroad?

It is amazing. What sets it apart is the fact that you get to experience many countries through their people at once. Our class cohort is comprised of representation from 20+ countries. So, the diversity of thought creates a very inclusive thought process – unboxing stereotypes and experiencing the world first-hand. 

Are you paying entirely for the course or is there any scholarship that you are availing?

I am investing in myself. But the course does have scholarships available that students can apply for. People also choose to accept company sponsorships.

What have you enjoyed the most at the University of Oxford?

Oh! It will be very hard to pick one. Friends, classrooms, lectures, alumni connect, the grand libraries, lovely architecture, everything is mesmerising. But distinctively the fact that you could be just walking down the street from across a Nobel Laureate or a Scientist or a person who is about to change the world like never before – it is indeed a place of impact from within.

Said Business School

Said Business School

Have you made friends with your program batchmates?

Oh, absolutely! We are 60 people in the cohort. We are always rooting for each other’s success. I am truly blessed to be amidst some of the most impactful change-makers. They all have two things in common – humility, and passion. 

How accommodating are your organisation’s policies in letting you pursue a course in hybrid model despite a full-time job?

Well, I have been with my organization for over a decade now. So, I feel that brings the privilege of the trust and faith the organization places in you. A testament to which is the glorious recommendations I received from my leaders as referrals while I was applying to the program. They are all so excited for me, for the things I will learn and bring back to the organization and just absolutely always rooting for my success. Life has indeed been kind.

I also try to manage the program in such a way that the week I take off for campus, ends up becoming the fuel for all things I will do post that. Also, given that the course design is for Executives, it is easy to catch up on work if needed in between as well during classes. So, it is all about how you can strike a balance in between your many worlds.

How do you manage your studies along with your job and other engagements?

I feel when passion kicks in, effort merely feels like an adrenaline rush. The ideas, the initiatives, the conversations – it all is so empowering that you get good with managing time to work through it. However, I do acknowledge that it does get hectic when the course assessments or readings for the next module are released. But the encouragement from friends and family across is a huge boost. Their belief in my ability becomes my motivation – driving me forward thereby.

Even at work, I am blessed to have a great team that helps through any tough times – with words of motivation to any support needed when I am on campus. Besides, given that I have some team members in the UK as well too – I feel like I have family there – with everyone eager to meet me if I can pull away from classes. I am indeed very grateful!

The Strategist's Handbook' signed from the author himself

Priyanka got ‘The Strategist’s Handbook’ signed from the author himself after sessions conducted by him at the Said Business School

What has been the most challenging experience so far as a working professional who is also a student – in the campus or outside it?

Being away from campus. Being a working professional, it is hard to stay at campus for longer. This feels limiting as you get pulled away from all resources and people – from libraries to game-changing ideas.

Any tips for working professionals who want to pursue further studies in a hybrid model while being a full-time professional?

  • Go for it!: Don’t hesitate; take the plunge. It may seem daunting at first, but it’s manageable and goes by quickly.
  • Equip yourself with essential tools: Programs for working professionals provide crucial tools for leadership, success, and empowerment, helping you grow both personally and professionally.
  • Focus on networking: Connecting with people enhances the experience and deepens the impact of the program.
  • Keep a clear vision: Establish a vision and roadmap for what you want to achieve from the program, helping guide you toward your next breakthrough.
  • Stay prepared for transformation: Be aware that by the end of the course, you’ll have grown and changed significantly.

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