(May 11, 2024) Rarely does a budding actor strike gold with their inaugural venture, yet Ashley Ganger defied the odds. Making her debut on Netflix’s acclaimed drama Grand Army, the 23-year-old Indian-Canadian actress captivated audiences since its October...
(May 9, 2023) The world of Broadway is experiencing an ingenious work of art at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater in New York. The Broadway house is currently home to a mesmerizing adaptation of Yann Martel’s Booker Prize-winning novel, Life of Pi. Directed by Max...
(April 25, 2023) Till early 2021, Priya Kansara was still working in healthcare communications for a pharmaceutical company, while nursing her childhood dream of becoming an actress someday on the side. The youngster became an overnight star after she appeared in...
(November 6, 2022) Even as a child, she was sure that one day she would sparkle on the silver screen. And now, it seems, that her moment has finally arrived. After doing some fabulous series including Spin, Senior Year, and Diary of a Future President, Indian-American...
(October 11, 2022) Despite being the largest immigrant community in the United States of America, Indian Americans have not received enough representation in Hollywood for years. However, in the last half-decade, many Indian and Indian-origin youngsters have made...