(September 26, 2023) When COVID hit the world, several schools were impacted around the globe. One such school was Parivartan Special School, which initiated Project Nishant, which provided the school and its students with crucial support during a financial crisis. It...
(June 21, 2023) Picture this: A three-year-old watches his father do yoga in his Sevenoaks home in Kent. Fascinated, he starts to emulate his father, and learns the basics, promptly. Cut to 2023, the 13-year-old secures gold medals at the Yoga World Cup in Canada for...
(June 20, 2022) When he was first diagnosed with regressive autism, scholar Hari Srinivasan was only three years old. From being a very active and social child, Hari suddenly became a crying, fussy baby, who did not want to be around other kids. To ensure that her...
(January 25, 2022) Picture this: A sprightly three-year-old watches his father do yoga in his Sevenoaks home at Kent. Fascinated, he starts to emulate his father, and learns the basics, promptly. Cut to 2021, the 11-year-old brushes shoulders with British...