(April 20, 2024) When Jasraaj Singh gained admission to the University of Melbourne’s medical school, her initial ambition was to become a neurosurgeon. However, she soon discovered her true passion for rural medicine. Due to her dedication to rural healthcare...
(December 27, 2023) Exceptionally talented young individuals committed to betterment of their communites have been rewarded for their efforts in 2023. They have pushed boundaries with their remarkable work over the years to make life around them better. These...
(December 17, 2023) Indian-origin young women have been captivating audiences and making waves in the international pageant circuit, showcasing their exceptional talents, charm, and cultural heritage on a global platform. Combining their Indian roots with the...
(December 13, 2023) Arundhati Banerjee, the trailblazing Miss Teen Diamond Australia 2019, and the Lifetime Miss Diamond Ambassador shattered norms and made history as the first Indian-origin teenager to claim the prestigious title. Beyond pageantry and modelling, she...
(November 1, 2023) “India is a theatre of culture,” remarked Pallavi Sharda, who defied the odds to become the first Australian actress with Indian roots to successfully make her mark in Bollywood. The actress, who calls herself a ‘Roving Gypsy’ travels between...