(June 1, 2023) In a world plagued by the urgent threat of climate change, the need for sustainable and clean energy solutions has reached a critical juncture. However, as the world grapples with the challenges of dwindling resources and escalating environmental...
(December 19, 2022) As an infant, Puja would often cry endlessly despite being fed on time by her mother, Neelam Kapoor. Her paediatricians were baffled and couldn’t diagnose the problem. Worried, Neelam discussed the issue with a friend, who came with a unique...
(April 5, 2022) She dares to be different. At a time when the spotlight is on stem-based subjects, Mahira Jain prefers to turn the focus on non-stem subjects. Specifically on Indian art, culture, and history. The freshman pursuing bachelor of arts at Duke University...