Palakh Khanna: This Delhi teen’s Break.The.Ice creates a safe space for youth to discuss taboo topics
Written by: Ranjani Rajendra
(January 3, 2021) How many of us are comfortable discussing mental health and menstruation? Essentials like sanitary napkins are still wrapped in newspapers and seeking therapy is still frowned upon. How then, is one to step up and seek help when one needs it? These questions bothered 18-year-old Palakh Khanna, who went on to found Break.The.Ice to create a safe platform for youth to open up on taboo topics.
More recently, the organisation became a part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN Youth). Palakh herself has been featured in the entrepreneurs of India list, the emerging icons, and entrepreneurs today lists. The graduate of Mother’s International School (Delhi), Palakh, was also nominated for a Social Volunteer Award.
The Delhi-based teen believes that awareness at a community level is of utmost importance for a nation to develop and progress. And that cannot be achieved till the stigma surrounding various issues is overcome. “The initiative is aimed at enlightening entire communities to enable them to take calculated and informed actions and decisions through open communication,” says Palakh in an exclusive with Global Indian.
Launched three months ago, Break.The.Ice has over 40 members from across the globe working to raise awareness about various issues, and has so far reached over 16,000 people globally.
How talking helps
Born and brought up in Delhi to a businessman (family-owned) father and a corporate employee mother, Palakh was encouraged to speak her mind, and have an open channel of communication at home. “There is no topic that we can’t freely discuss in the family,” says Palakh, who wears many hats – environmentalist, poet and international MUN ambassador. In fact, the teenager has been environmentally-conscious since she was seven and would meticulously work towards eliminating litter.
“As I grew older, I realised that the environment was not the only issue that needed to be addressed. A chance conversation with our house help made me realise that topics like menstruation were a huge no-no for several people in India. The help was uncomfortable discussing something as basic and common as menstruation and her awareness was also sadly dismal,” she adds. Khanna realised that topics such as these were still taboo.
As she set about doing research, speaking to people and researching content on the topic, Khanna figured that the root cause of most issues was a lack of communication. “I’d always wanted to do something to change the world. Encouraging open dialogue and busting the stigma surrounding so-called taboo topics seemed like a great place to start,” reveals Khanna, who then discussed her idea with her parents. “I was waiting for my college admissions and wasn’t sure if I should be starting up at that point. My mother encouraged me to take the plunge and my father gave me a pep talk about the risks involved, and how to face any challenges that might come my way on this journey,” says the budding entrepreneur.
Let’s talk openly
Break.The.Ice launched three months ago as an online platform to provide the youth with a safe space to discuss various topics. “Our members are between 13 and 25 (ages), and we encourage them to join by filling out a form that determines their passions. There is also a stringent interview process in place to select members. Once on board, we connect every two weeks to discuss the way forward, updates and the topic to focus on each month. Currently, we have members from over five countries,” says the teenager CEO of Break.The.Ice.
Members are divided into teams that handle various verticals – content creation, writing, research, and ambassadors. The teams work on generating content based on topics and release videos and blog posts on Break.The.Ice’s social media channels. They now plan to rope in experts and delve into topics like bullying, women’s empowerment, racism, casteism etc.
Completely bootstrapped at the moment, Palakh Khanna is working on expanding the team’s reach and says that the fact that it recently became a member of the UN SDSN Youth is a big win. “We will soon begin hosting events in collaboration with UN SDSN,” says Palakh, who in five years wants to collaborate with UN bodies to create a safe global space to talk.
The girl with an entrepreneurial spirit
The teen is also a published poet with a poem appearing in an anthology called Head Full of Dreams. “Poetry is my way of expressing myself,” she says.
Free expression also finds its way into her life through dancing as Palakh is a classically trained dancer. As Global Lead Ambassador for climate change at an international organisation, she works on sustainability. An avid foodie, she finds ultimate solace in diverse cuisines too!
Looking to the future, Palakh hopes to host UN-related events through her startup, and might even go down the entrepreneurial route.
(August 2, 2023) She remembers sticking her head out of the school bus window on her way home, to catch a glimpse of the HCG in Bengaluru, the oncology hospital that came up with cyberknife technology and hormone therapy to cure cancer. Such was Swetha Kannan's passion for cancer research, that in Grade 7, she decided to become an oncologist. "The disease was so mysterious; there's so much you don't know about it. I was curious as to why we don't have a definitive cure for cancer," Swetha tells Global Indian. But little did Swetha know that a few years down the line, the deadly disease would come knocking on her door. Her world came crashing down at the beginning of 2018 when her grandmom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Being her primary caregiver, Swetha understood the importance of psychological well-being in cancer patients. This prompted her to start the Lalitha Foundation (named after her grandmom) in 2019, dedicated to the betterment of the lives of cancer and post-sepsis patients. The initiative, which has positively impacted hundreds, won her the Diana Award 2023. "I thought I was daydreaming. It was a pleasant surprise," she smiles. [caption id="attachment_32352" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Swetha
[caption id="attachment_32352" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Swetha Kannan is the founder of The Lalitha Foundation[/caption]
A personal experience led to her purpose
Having personal experience with mental health struggles, Swetha recognises the lack of awareness and the struggle of opening up, especially in India. "I have anxiety and panic disorder. For me, it was living through these experiences that taught me how important it is for you and the people around you to know what's happening to you, and know that there is support," says the changemaker, who spent three months with her grandmom while the later went through umpteen tests and a surgery.
Those months were taxing not just physically but mentally for both Swetha and her grandmom. "Part of my panic and anxiety disorder arises from the fact that my body went through so much physically and mentally in such a framed period. I was taught to give her blood thinning injections after the surgery, and I thought I was infecting my grandmother and it's not okay. The worst part was that we didn't know what stage the tumour was." Understanding the problem, she founded the Lalitha Foundation with the mission to create awareness around both cancer and mental health widespread across communities in India, especially among underprivileged people. "The second was to find ways to make access to care more equitable."
She realised that one essentially needs to be in an urban setup to either get cancer treatment or be screened for mental health. "The mortality rate of cancer in rural India is double that of rural India, even though the incidents of cancer in urban India are much higher. The statistics rang alarming bells because people don't choose what community or social status they are born into. Having someone have to fight so much harder for something so basic as healthcare based on factors that they didn't even choose for seemed unfair," adds Swetha. This nudged her to make awareness reach places that they needed to. "The mission was to let people know that having cancer or mental illness is not the end of the world. You need to know your symptoms and take action for your good."
Swetha, who a few months after her grandmom's surgery interned at HCG Bengaluru, came across patients from rural areas who were at the mercy of doctors and had no idea about the right treatment or awareness about the disease. "Simple things like awareness about the disease can go massive miles in improving or stabilising one's psychological wellbeing in the long term. You know what's happening to you and you feel in control."
How a teenager transformed lives
In 2019, Swetha was elected to be a fellow of the Clinton Global Initiative in LA. Only nineteen at the time, she began the Lalitha Foundation, to create awareness on mental health and cancer. She began by reaching out to medical students and doctors and using YouTube and WhatsApp to spread the word. "Within a few weeks, I had 300-400 sign-ups," she smiles. The next step was to impart training to the volunteers. Her mentor at The Clinton Foundation suggested creating a Google classroom with training materials including videos, podcasts, and reading. There were assignments to gauge the understanding of the issue on the part of the volunteer. "I can't have a volunteer talking to a patient who has no idea what he's saying." Later, the very few specialists in mental health like therapists and psychiatrists were recruited to train generic healthcare professionals like nurses, and general practitioners on the basics. "As volunteers, their job is to educate patients and tell them to access support, but they can't mediate support," says Swetha who has volunteers in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Punjab, and West Bengal.
Changing lives
It's been over three years since the Lalitha Foundation came into existence, and the nonprofit has created awareness on mental health and cancer, trained volunteers, done in-person programs with the support of the Clinton Foundation, and raise funds to provide free psychotherapies. "More than the impact in the commercial sense, I have seen families being more supportive and patients talking openly about mental health to their oncologists. That's the kind of impact we have made. We have created shared and safe places for people to open up. It's about telling people that your health is not a one-dimensional entity," says the 24-year-old changemaker who had a profound conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Sankar. "He said, 'A strong mind can withstand even the weakest of body but a weak body can't withstand even a very strong body.' And I couldn't agree more."
The Lalitha Foundation which currently operates in India is planning to expand in Africa, with a focus on countries like Uganda and Tanzania. "The stigma for mental health in India stems from different socio-cultural aspects than one in Africa. So, currently, we are in the process of understanding what the mental health situation in Africa is like," adds Swetha, who is pursuing a PhD at University of Cambridge. Ask her about her thesis, and pat comes the reply, "My project is looking at tumour immune interactions in Burkitt's lymphoma. It has two subtypes - Endemic which is more common in Africa. It's a paediatric cancer and kids with this cancer almost always die as they don't have access to intensive care. While sporadic is more common in kids in developed countries like Europe and the prognosis is okay but kids who relapse almost always die. It was only last year that I realised that paediatric cancers are extremely under-researched and also underfunded for research." Before her Ph.D., she did her BSc (Hons) in Immunology from the University of Edinburgh and her MPhil in Medical Sciences from the University of Cambridge.
Dealing with her grandmom's cancer to starting The Lalitha Foundation, Swetha calls it a transformative journey. "As a 19-year-old when my grandmom was diagnosed, I used to think Why Me? I was disconnected from reality as I was working like a machine and wasn't processing anything on an emotional level. In retrospect, it was the most transformative part of my life. If not for this, forget Lalitha Foundation, I wouldn't have grown as a person," she says, who has now translated her passion into purpose in the field of oncology.
The girl, who sings and writes poetry to unwind, says that her biggest learning in the journey has been to trust the process and let go. "The things that don't work are just distracting you from your bigger goal and the role you have to play in this world."
The Lalitha Foundation gave her a purpose, and Swetha is on a mission to transform the lives of cancer patients and their caregivers. "We teach people to love themselves and be kinder to themselves. You don't fight cancer but you heal from it, and you can only do it with love and kindness along with the treatment. Things might not be okay right now but some day things will be better," she signs off.
(October 8, 2023) Adhya Shastry, a talented Bharatanatyam dancer based in the UK, achieved a remarkable milestone by clinching the coveted title of BBC Young Dancer 2022. The competition, open to dancers from across the UK, provides participants a golden opportunity to showcase their exceptional talents on the renowned BBC televised stage, drawing in audiences from around the world. “I didn’t have any expectations throughout the competition and in some sense that’s what made this whole experience so beautiful because I was experiencing everything as it came,” Adhya remarked as she connected with Global Indian. At the tender age of 13 in 2017, the 19-year-old had first stumbled upon the competition. While barely a teenager, she was captivated by the dazzling finals on her television screen. The extraordinary talent displayed by the finalists that year left an indelible mark on her, igniting a determination to be on the BBC stage herself someday. [caption id="attachment_33453" align="aligncenter" width="759"] Adhya Shastry[/caption] Over the years Adhya diligently honed her skills. When she finally felt prepared, she submitted her application to participate. In April 2022, Adhya's happiness knew no bounds when she was awarded the title of BBC Young Dancer 2022, a testament to her
Over the years Adhya diligently honed her skills. When she finally felt prepared, she submitted her application to participate. In April 2022, Adhya's happiness knew no bounds when she was awarded the title of BBC Young Dancer 2022, a testament to her dedication and talent.
All about the competition
Since 2015, the BBC Young Dancer competition has been featured as a reality show on both BBC Four and BBC Two television channels. Designed for aspiring UK-based dancers in ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, and South Asian dance genres, this competition welcomes participants aged between 16 and 20.
Adhya's journey to the finals involved successfully navigating three challenging rounds. She gained invaluable insights throughout the competition feeling privileged to meet a diverse array of remarkable individuals, each with their own captivating stories. For instance, some participants were balancing their passion for dance with the rigours of psychology or medicine studies at university. While others had recently embarked on intensive dance workshops abroad, collaborating with renowned choreographers just days before the auditions. “It felt like I had been transported into a different world where everything and anything was possible!”
Experience of a lifetime
Following the successful completion of three rounds, a total of 10 dancers emerged as finalists. They were sent to Dartington Manor, a heritage property spread over 1,200 acres in Devon, dating back to mediaeval times for an immersive week of intensive training and collaborative creative sessions with renowned choreographers.
“It felt like the beginning of something new, I felt like there were so many possibilities that were ahead of me and ahead of us as a dance cohort,” Adhya shared.
The residency programme included improvisational performances to an audience. This was where random music tracks were played. “We had never heard those tracks but were required to dance to the tunes displaying our musicality, our unique dance style, and our spur-of-the-moment creative thinking” It was nerve-wracking and fun at the same time,” she remarked.
Although her solo was a Bharatanatyam piece, Adhya also got to dance in a trio choreographed by one of the judges. “Since I was in a trio with a contemporary dancer and a tap dancer, the choreography included a movement language that connected us whilst also allowing us to flourish within our styles,” she said adding “Through different tasks, I learned to improvise and create pieces with other dancers exploring my own movement style and learning other styles in the process.”
Claiming the title
After the residency ended, it was a few months of waiting for the final show. At the end of it was the surreal experience of performing at the Roundhouse in London. The stage was massive. “I couldn’t believe I was going to perform in that gorgeous venue with those amazing people!” Adhya shared.
She delivered a stunning performance line-up, including a Bharatanatyam solo titled ‘Kali Kavuthwam,’ a meticulously choreographed trio by Seeta Patel, and a dynamic group ensemble piece crafted by Ivan Michael Blackstock.
When she emerged as a winner, it took a while for her to realise that she had finally clinched the top title amidst the ten brilliant finalists.
Dancing since childhood
Adhya had always been an active child. Looking at her keenness towards dancing her parents enrolled her in a Bharatanatyam class, a decision that Adhya embraced with joy.
Talking about her dance school she shares, “I started learning Bharatanatyam in Kalakunj at Reading at the age of 10. Learning there was a way for me to connect to my roots and gain knowledge about my culture. My guru, Ananya Chatterjee was always so supportive of all my endeavours and she helped harbour and grow my passion for dance. I also got to learn so much from all the beautiful dancers I danced with at Kalakunj.”
Adhya has also been a part of Yuva Gati, a dance training programme for dance styles from South Asian heritage. She was associated with it for two years gaining exposure to many dance styles. The programme connected her with numerous talented South Asian dancers and introduced her to the concept of improvisation and an understanding of the techniques underlying various movements.
Dance is life
This September Adhya has started her first year of university at London Contemporary Dance School. “I am currently in a dance conservatoire that covers a lot of different dance styles like locking, popping, groove, contemporary, ballet, and more,” tells the teenager who is eager to delve deeper into these dance styles, and broaden her repertoire of movements. She is also keen on discovering how these styles can complement and enrich her exploration of Bharatanatyam.
As a dancer, Adhya’s inspiration is diverse. Whether it's observing fellow dancers' performances, immersing herself in music, engaging in conversations, delving into literature, connecting with her emotions, or simply taking leisurely walks to absorb her surroundings—every facet of life holds potential inspiration for her.
“I aspire to keep dancing and eventually start choreographing dance pieces. I have many ambitions but one of my main goals is to always be authentic in the way I move and have an honest expression of myself through dance,” she signs off.
Born in Tehran Iran, the UK-based teenager lived in India from 2009 - 2012.
(January 30, 2024) It was only during the lockdown of 2020, that the London based chess player Bodhna Sivanandan began learning the game, and in 2023 she made history by clinching the title of England's first World Youth Champion in 25 years, stunning the world. The chess prodigy who has caught attention of the entire chess fraternity and the worldwide media even had the opportunity to play a game of chess with British PM Rishi Sunak upon his invitation to 10 Downing Street. [caption id="attachment_35503" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Bodhna Sivanandan with Rishi Sunak[/caption] "I always try my best to win. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't,” the eight-year-old who holds the title of Woman Candidate Master said in an interview. Extraordinary feats 2023 had been full of extraordinary victories for the young player. She defeated former British chess champion Peter Lee in an exhibition match, garnering praises from all around. Impressed by her talent, International Master Lawrence Trent tweeted, "The maturity of her play, her sublime touch, it's truly breath taking…I have no doubt she will be England's greatest player and most likely one of the greatest the game has ever seen". With her phenomenal performance at the Classical, Treble
ce Trent tweeted, "The maturity of her play, her sublime touch, it's truly breath taking…I have no doubt she will be England's greatest player and most likely one of the greatest the game has ever seen".
With her phenomenal performance at the Classical, Treble Crown and the latest European Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship 2023 held in Zagreb, Croatia, Bodhna has become one of the most loved international chess stars.
At the European Blitz Chess Championship 2023, she defeated a number of female grandmasters from across the world. In the penultimate round, she even earned victory over international master, Lorin D'Costa, the coach of the England women's chess team. The European Blitz Chess Championship had witnessed a massive number of registrations with 555 players, including 48 grandmasters and 50 international masters as participants. Bodhna managed to shine above all, winning the the best women's player award.
Early start
Bodhna was just five when she embarked on her chess journey, quickly mastering the intricacies of the game. A mere 15 months later, in March 2022 she had clinched silver in both Rapid and Blitz European under eight girls’ tournaments, establishing herself as the world No. 1 girl in Blitz for her age group with an impressive margin of 322 FIDE points. Leonard Barden, the English chess master, broadcaster and journalist described the little chess player as ‘exceptional’ then.
Later in the European Schools under eight age group championships held in Rhodes in May 2022, she won all the 24 games winning three gold medals. She was just seven then.
The same year in August, Bodhna participated in the British Chess Championship in Torquay, earning two wins and a draw defeating the then reigning U12 champion.
Talking about how she discovered chess, Bodhna shared in an interview, “One of my father’s friends was throwing away some stuff because it was Covid. Inside that there was a chess board. I was curious about the pieces and started playing.” She was just five then.
“Accidentally she started chess,” her father Sivanandan Velayutham, remarked in an another interview.
Recognising her interest in the game he started taking her around the English Chess Federation and to other people in England who play and support chess. These individuals proved to be not only friendly but also supportive of Bodhna’s endeavours.
Chess in the UK
The British government is taking lots of initiatives to promote the game. As part of a new package announced last year, the UK's Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will be investing GBP 500,000 in the English Chess Federation (ECF) over two years to nurture the next generation of world-class talent.
The funds will be utilised for specialised coaching, training camps, and advanced computer analysis for international competitions, providing crucial support to both established grandmasters and emerging players.
[caption id="attachment_35506" align="aligncenter" width="641"] Bodhna Sivanandan at UK Prime Minister's residence with other delegates[/caption]
In an interview given before the announcement and the multiple wins of 2023, the grade four student of St John Fisher Primary School of Harrow in London had shared, “My school has a chess club but it’s just for grade six students, so I am not allowed.”
When asked how does she think she would fare if allowed to play with sixth graders, “I think, I would probably win,” she had replied with a smile.
(March 2, 2023) The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the healthcare system across the world, forcing professionals to come up with unique solutions to ensure the delivery of essential health services. Working on the next frontier of medicine, 19-year-old Indian-American scholar Tanishq Mathew Abraham has launched a cutting-edge artificial intelligence research organisation, Medical AI Research Center (MedARC), focused on an open, and collaborative approach to healthcare AI research. Tanishq, a fifth-year Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. candidate at the University of California Davis researching applications of AI to pathology and microscopy, has teamed up with renowned data scientist and medical AI researcher, Jeremy Howard. "MedARC’s focus on open-source research and foundation model development will fill two of the biggest gaps currently holding back AI from achieving its full potential in medicine," Tanishq recently informed in an interview. Only last year the two-hundred-year-old Dutch publishing house, Elsevier, printed copies of their latest book on artificial intelligence and deep learning in pathology, with a 30-page chapter written by the 19-year-old scholar. And it is not his first contribution to the scientific world. The young scholar has been writing journals and authoring scientific papers since he was merely ten years old. He is
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Only last year the two-hundred-year-old Dutch publishing house, Elsevier, printed copies of their latest book on artificial intelligence and deep learning in pathology, with a 30-page chapter written by the 19-year-old scholar. And it is not his first contribution to the scientific world. The young scholar has been writing journals and authoring scientific papers since he was merely ten years old. He is also responsible for discovering a supernova, an exoplanet, and a solar storm while going through hundreds of images from NASA's Long-Range Observatory and Kepler projects - just when he was eight. Global Indian takes a look at the marvellous journey of this child prodigy, who is revolutionising the world of biomedical engineering.
Child Genius
With their roots in Kerala, Tanishq's parents, veterinary doctor Dr. Taji Abraham and techie Bijou Abraham, moved to the United States in search of better career opportunities. A few years into his birth, his mother knew that her son was a special kid as he could solve basic mathematics problems at the age of two, a feat not many can achieve. Two years later, he took the Mensa exam and scored a brilliant 99.9 percent.
[caption id="attachment_28004" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Nine year old Tanishq, presenting his first research project at the NASA Lunar Science Forum[/caption]
Realising that it would be difficult for any school to match their son's genius, the couple decided to home-school Tanishq. At five, the child prodigy cracked Stanford University’s math course, offered under their Education Programme for Gifted Youth, in just six months. Owing to the need that he had to socialise with other people, Tanishq was enrolled at the local community college, while he prepared rigorously for his high school exams at home.
At nine, Tanishq became the youngest person to speak at NASA’s Ames conferences in 2012, after he discovered a supernova, an exoplanet, and a solar storm while going through hundreds of images from NASA's Long-Range Observatory and Kepler projects. Just a few months before his 11th birthday, the scholar earned his high school degree, making him the youngest to do so in the US. Interestingly, Tanishq's younger sister, Tiara, is no different. The 16-year-old musical prodigy recently received the Young Arts award in Classical Voice 2022.
Changing the course of biomedical engineering
A 10-year-old armed with a high school degree, Tanishq's next stop was American River College, where he graduated junior college with three associate degrees. Motivated to pursue a career in medicine, the scholar joined the University of California to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering. “I decided to go into biomedical engineering because it’s interdisciplinary and at the forefront of medical research. It’s a field with the potential for positive impact on society," Tanishq said during an interview with the UC Davis Magazine.
[caption id="attachment_20253" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Tiara and Tanishq Abraham[/caption]
However, the journey was tougher than he imagined. While the curriculum was a cakewalk for the child genius, he had to deal with bullying at the hands of his peers and unsupportive faculty. So much so that many professors refused to take him seriously and even barred him from taking up their courses. However, his love for learning kept him going, and he was able to earn his undergraduate degree summa cum laude.
At 15, Tanishq decided to join the University of California's Ph.D. programme in biomedical engineering, which he is still pursuing. Under the able supervision of Dr. Richard Levenson, the scholar is researching the application of deep learning (especially generative networks) to novel microscopy techniques for digital pathology. "Through deep learning, we should soon be able to enhance images from microscopes to make them easier for pathologists to interpret. Radiology and pathology are already suited for the integration of AI technology as these areas of medicine involve sets of digitised images," he informed UC Davis Magazine.
Inspiring others
A STEM educator on Twitter, Tanishq has been inspiring young minds to follow their passion through TEDx Talks. Recently, the scholar also wrote a 30-page chapter titled, Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Image Enhancement in Pathology, as an author. The book, which focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pathology, is a multi-author book. The scholar is a member of the Levenson Lab at UC Davis, where he is working on understanding the application of deep learning for digital pathology. In the running for the Global Student Prize 2022, the young scholar is the youngest-ever member of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest academic society in the United States of America.
But it’s the funding that’s keeping him at a hand’s distance from his goal. Urging the society and governments to fund research facilities, the scholar told UC Davis Magazine, “It’s amazing that science accomplishes as much as it does when research receives so little funding in comparison to other budget priorities, such as the military. We need to fund the NSF and the NIH, and cash from them trickles down to many labs, including those at UC Davis. And you never know when science will make a huge discovery that changes lives and helps many people."
(October 16, 2024) October 1st, 2024, was no ordinary day for Nidhi Gautam, a student from Karnataka currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in History and Geography at Miranda House, Delhi University. She received the extraordinary opportunity to serve as the British High Commissioner to India for a day - a position typically held by seasoned diplomats. While this role usually takes years of experience to attain, she earned it after being selected from a competitive pool of over 140 applicants. Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India, took on the role of Deputy High Commissioner for the day, shadowing Nidhi and supporting her in carrying out the responsibilities of the High Commissioner. The opportunity equipped Nidhi with a deeper understanding of the responsibility that comes with leadership. "One key takeaway for me was the immense responsibility diplomats carry. It’s about presenting a seamless front to the world, but behind the scenes, there’s a wealth of knowledge, collaboration, and effort that goes into every decision," she remarked in an interview with Global Indian. [caption id="attachment_39867" align="aligncenter" width="745"] Nidhi Gautam with Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India[/caption] The ‘High Commissioner for a Day’ competition The opportunity allowed the 19-year-old
[caption id="attachment_39867" align="aligncenter" width="745"] Nidhi Gautam with Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India[/caption]
The ‘High Commissioner for a Day’ competition
The opportunity allowed the 19-year-old to experience the challenges and responsibilities of international diplomacy, especially within the context of the strong UK-India partnership.
Since 2017, the British High Commission has celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child, observed in October, through initiatives like the 'High Commissioner for a Day'. This initiative, designed to empower young women across India, is more than just an opportunity to shadow diplomats. It is a platform to promote gender equality, challenge societal norms, and provide young women with the tools to tackle global challenges head-on.
Nidhi secured the first spot in the competition through a thought-provoking one-minute video submission. The youngster’s articulate response and clear vision to the question, “How can the UK and India collaborate on technology to benefit future generations?” stood out, ultimately leading her to this once in lifetime experience.
Stepping into diplomacy - a day to remember
The day began like no other, with Nidhi arriving at the British High Commission in New Delhi. Her morning started with a breakfast briefing from the senior leadership team, where she was introduced to the inner workings of UK-India relations. The focus was on the UK-India Technology Security Initiative, a key aspect of the two nations' partnership. Discussing everything from climate change to healthcare, this briefing provided Nidhi with a comprehensive view of the critical collaborations happening between the UK and India.
What struck her most, however, was the gravity of the role she was stepping into. 'I was seated at the head of the table, and I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility. They treated me with such respect, just as they would a real diplomat,' she reflected, recalling how she was served first and even had the car doors opened for her. "That moment made me realize the power and symbolism of diplomacy. Riding in the High Commissioner’s vehicle with the flag was surreal. These were ceremonial gestures, but they also made me feel like I was part of something much bigger than myself."
This, of course, was only the beginning. Nidhi’s day as High Commissioner took her through a series of meetings and visits that would leave a lasting impact on her future ambitions.
[caption id="attachment_39862" align="aligncenter" width="700"] The day started with a breakfast briefing[/caption]
The power of innovation – a visit to IIT Delhi
A defining moment of Nidhi’s day was her visit to the National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. Here, she was exposed to cutting-edge innovations designed to empower individuals with disabilities, particularly those who are visually impaired. "The most memorable and impactful moment was witnessing the various innovations being developed to assist differently-abled individuals. What struck me wasn’t just the advanced technology, but the social impact of these innovations," Nidhi explained with palpable enthusiasm.
"It was incredibly inspiring to see how knowledge and technology are being used to uplift those in need. This is where diplomacy meets real-world change. It’s not just about policies and negotiations, but about creating tangible benefits for society," she added.
The experience deepened her understanding of how science, technology, and diplomacy intersect to create a better future. She recognized that technological innovation, when combined with effective diplomatic partnerships, has the power to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
[caption id="attachment_39863" align="aligncenter" width="660"]A visit to the National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies at IIT-Delhi[/caption]
Shaping global health - a visit to the National Institute of Immunology
Following her time at IIT Delhi, Nidhi visited the National Institute of Immunology, where she observed ongoing advancements in vaccine development. Given the global importance of vaccines in a post-pandemic world, the visit provided good insights on the collaborative work being done by the UK and India in biotechnology. Nidhi saw firsthand how scientists from both nations were working together to tackle global health challenges—a poignant reminder of the importance of international cooperation.
Reading about these topics in textbooks is one thing, but seeing it unfold in real time was extraordinary. "I now have a much deeper understanding of how global health challenges are addressed and the pivotal role diplomacy plays in facilitating these collaborations,' Nidhi remarked.
[caption id="attachment_39864" align="aligncenter" width="707"] A visit to National Institute of Immunology[/caption]
Inspiring leadership and the role of women
One of the most rewarding aspects of Nidhi’s experience was her interaction with Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India, who served as Deputy High Commissioner for the day. Their discussions spanned a variety of topics, from the UK-India Technology Security Initiative to the broader role of young women in leadership.
“Lindy’s warm encouragement and insightful thoughts throughout the day inspired me profoundly, reminding me of the importance of dedication and passion in serving one’s country,” Nidhi remarked.
For the DU student, seeing women at the helm of diplomacy and leadership roles was a powerful inspiration. "One of the key lessons I took away from the day was the importance of collaboration, not only between countries but also within leadership. Women play such a significant role in these discussions, and seeing them in action was both inspiring and empowering," she noted. "It filled me with pride to see women driving change at such a high level. It reinforced my belief that women are remarkable at what they do and that more of them deserve to be in leadership positions."
For Nidhi, the experience was more than just a day in the life of a diplomat—it was the affirmation of a dream. "I’ve always wanted to become a diplomat, and this experience reaffirmed my desire. It’s not an easy path, especially in India where competition is intense, but I’m committed to working hard and broadening my knowledge to one day achieve that goal," she shared.
Nidhi’s biggest source of inspiration is India’s External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar. "He continues to inspire me every day with his depth of knowledge and contributions to diplomacy. I aspire to one day follow in his footsteps and serve my country with the same passion and dedication," she added.
Aspiring for a future in leadership
As Nidhi Gautam continues her education at Miranda House, this unique experience has given her a fresh perspective on international relations, technology, and leadership. She sees herself not only as a future diplomat but as a champion for gender equality and innovation. Her passion for diplomacy, technology, and cultural exchange is set to shape her path forward.
"The future of diplomacy is bright, especially as more young leaders, particularly women, are given platforms to shine. Initiatives like ‘High Commissioner for a Day’ are essential in promoting gender equality and inspiring the next generation of change-makers," she said. "More women deserve to be in leadership positions. The world is better when everyone has equal opportunities."
Extraordinary opportunities in 2024
The year 2024 has been full of extraordinary opportunities for the youngster. Earlier this year, she was part of a nearly 100-student cohort invited to the Raisina Dialogue 2024, a multilateral conference held annually in New Delhi, after being selected through an application process. Describing the Raisina Dialogue experience she remarks, "It was truly beyond words. It was a unique opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds, including civil servants, diplomats, and top leaders from around the world. I’m extremely grateful for that experience, just as I am for the chance to serve as the British High Commissioner for a day."
[caption id="attachment_39861" align="aligncenter" width="643"] Nidhi Gautam with Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India[/caption]
Both the opportunities have been exhilarating and learning platforms for the young scholar. As Nidhi puts it, "The experiences taught me that collaboration and leadership go hand in hand. Whether it’s between countries or individuals, shared knowledge and expertise always lead to better outcomes."
What stood out the most for Nidhi was the warmth and encouragement she received from the entire team at the British High Commission. "Their supportive smiles and kind words reassured me, making the experience even more memorable," she signed off.