(May 11, 2024) Rarely does a budding actor strike gold with their inaugural venture, yet Ashley Ganger defied the odds. Making her debut on Netflix’s acclaimed drama Grand Army, the 23-year-old Indian-Canadian actress captivated audiences since its October...
(May 27, 2023) Six years ago, when a grade X Indian-Canadian student, Abhayjeet Singh Sachal, visited the northernmost continent on the planet, he was completely mesmerised by its landscape. Covered in white ice, the Arctic looked nothing short of a magical land to...
(January 28, 2023) The fundus camera, an instrument used in opthalmology for to capture colour images of the inner surface of the eye, can set one back by anywhere between INR 1.5 lakh and INR 5.25 lakh. In low-income countries, the prohibitive cost of devices used in...