(October 22, 2024) At 15, Anika Kumar’s world shifted when she volunteered at an assisted living facility in San Jose, California. There, she met Abigail, an 87-year-old woman who lived in quiet isolation, her voice unheard despite numerous requests for basic...
(August 5, 2023) Growing up, he loved watching racing sports on his TV. Recognising his love for the tracks, his father would take him to go karting parks and in 2017, Yuven Sundaramoorthy made a shift from karts to cars. While it has just been six years since then,...
(February 23, 2023) On a summer trip to India in 2014, Aryaman Khandelwal and his family were going by road to Chikaldara, a village in Maharashtra. The area is famous for growing corn and the family stopped at roadside stalls to try it. On the way, he saw a little...