(January 1, 2025) In the busy streets of Bengaluru, 19-year-olds Aryan Sharma and Ayush Pathak are transforming workflow management with their startup, Induced AI. Founded in 2023, the company has already gained attention, including support from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman....
(January 3, 2024) In the fast-changing world of tech and new ideas, young Indian entrepreneurs are making waves with their cool AI startups. These startups are getting attention for using artificial intelligence to do good things. These smart young minds are using AI...
(December 14, 2023) Around eight months ago, two teenagers, Aryan Sharma and Ayush Pathak were both contemplating college plans. Aryan had even received a scholarship from a foundation in the US and anyway, both the teenagers were adept coders and earning a fair bit...