(January 1, 2025) In the busy streets of Bengaluru, 19-year-olds Aryan Sharma and Ayush Pathak are transforming workflow management with their startup, Induced AI. Founded in 2023, the company has already gained attention, including support from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman....
(November 5, 2024) In a small clinic in India, Kaavya Kopparapu watched her grandfather struggle with diabetic retinopathy, an eye condition that can lead to blindness if left untreated. The waiting rooms were crowded, the equipment was outdated, and specialists were...
(August 21, 2022) In the summer of 2017, while reading a story about the US Senator John McCain, who was then battling the aggressive brain cancer – glioblastoma, Virgina-based Kaavya Kopparapu stumbled upon some startling facts. A high school junior then, she...