(December 12, 2024) Hurried lunches eaten alone in a corner of the cafeteria, endless hours at school spent mostly in silence, her heart racing at the thought of speaking to her peers, and worst of all, having to answer the dreaded question, ‘Where are you...
(August 23, 2024) “Resilience is the only way to survive your changemaker journey,” says Vidhi Yadav, founder, Beyond the Bounds. “You’re going to feel that things aren’t working – take a break but don’t give up. They will...
(August 2, 2023) She remembers sticking her head out of the school bus window on her way home, to catch a glimpse of the HCG in Bengaluru, the oncology hospital that came up with cyberknife technology and hormone therapy to cure cancer. Such was Swetha Kannan’s...
(July 23, 2023) When the wheels of the world came to a screeching halt in 2020, people saw themselves adapt to changes that the pandemic brought with itself. Amid the uncertainty and fear, a family in Bengaluru found that their 9-year-old son Surya has Type 1...
(April 2, 2023) In October 2021, a Lancet study found a 35 percent increase in mental health disorders in India alone. That means one in every seven Indians, amounting to a whopping total of 19.73 crore people. The gig economy and its hustle culture, the advent of AI,...