(June 27, 2024) At the age of 17, Eshani Jha created a low-cost, water filtration device to address the problem of clean water around the world. Four years later, the San Jose teen was named winner of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize for her innovation, which uses...
(December 2, 2023) Often sparked by dry weather, strong winds, or human actions, wildfires have been wreaking havoc on our forests where countless plants and animals thrive. Sadly, the increasing number and strength of wildfires are putting vital ecosystems at risk,...
(July 22, 2023) In a remarkable display of scientific brilliance, six young innovators of Indian American heritage have emerged as shining stars among the USA’s brightest in the prestigious 3M Young Scientist Challenge. These ingenious middle school students...
(June 17, 2023) Eshani Jha was only 17 years old when she created a low-cost, water filtration device to address the problem of clean water around the world. In 2021, just as the San Jose teen entered the University of Berkley, she was named winner of the Stockholm...