(Aug 13, 2023) Indian-origin filmmaker Bishal Dutta boasts an impressive creative repertoire spanning diverse mediums, including short films, digital series, music videos, and broadcast commercials. His short film ‘Life in Colour’ gained recognition as an...
(June 6, 2023) It was 2015, and a young Nathan V. Mallipeddi was standing in a bowl-shaped auditorium, in front of an assembly of esteemed professors, teachers, and peers, awaiting his momentous science project presentation. As he stood there, the weight of...
(June 11, 2023) “I want to finish my Ph.D. by the time I get my driver’s license,” says a ten-year-old Tanishq Mathew Abraham, who began college at the age of seven. And now at 19, he has become one of the world’s youngest Ph.D. holders as he...
(October 2, 2022) CM Arvind Kejriwal’s decision to implement the odd-even car rule in the national capital was appreciated not just across the country, but by many foreign leaders as well. However, the scheme that was aimed at curbing the growing rate of...
(August 16, 2022) When she first stepped on the stage, to sing at a school competition, she was merely four. A little nervous, the child finished her song to thunderous applause. That motivated Tiara Abraham to pursue a career in singing. Earlier this year, the...