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Enjoying the vibes of Taipei

Contributed By: Urvashi Gupta

Taipei, Taiwan, ZIP Code: 104202

I have been living in Taipei for the past three years and have had the most wonderful experiences here. The people in my neighbourhood Zhongshan are friendly and hospitable. Public transportation in Taipei is fantastic, and I have gotten used to not driving since there’s no real need. The subway system is extensive, clean, and affordable, and taxis are also convenient.

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Zhongshan, a neighbourhood in Taipei

As a vegetarian, when I am dining out I prefer Korean, Thai, and Taiwanese Buddhist restaurants. Occasionally, I have Indian food outside, but it doesn’t quite match the taste of home, so I often embrace the local cuisine, which is both a treat for my wallet and taste buds. People here often get curious seeing my husband and me strolling through night markets and eating stinky tofu – a dish with a distinctive flavour with a chewy outer layer and a creamy interior, served with spicy cabbage and various sauces. Many locals are impressed that we are trying their traditional food, and shopkeepers frequently offer us samples before we buy.

Museum of Contemporary Art is near to my place. Taipei 101, once the world’s tallest building, is Taiwan’s most iconic landmark. Shaped like a bamboo stalk, it is the world’s tallest green building. I love riding in its elevator which is considered the world’s fastest elevator, to the observation deck between the 89th to 91st floors. The 360-degree view is incredible, and the enormous earthquake damper ball is fascinating. I also love visiting the Taiwanese souvenir shop up there.

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Longshan Temple

I love religious sites. Taiwanese temples are beautifully ornate, colourful, and filled with incense. They combine influences from Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and folk religion. I love visiting these temples, especially in Old Taipei, or Wanhua district. Longshan Temple is the most famous and always at the top of my priority list. Qingshui Temple, Qingshan Temple, and Tianhou Temple are also worth visiting in the area.

Another iconic Taipei landmark is the 95-meter Ferris wheel at Miramar Entertainment Park. At night, the Ferris wheel is lit up and can be seen from many places in Taipei. It moves slowly, allowing people to enjoy uninterrupted views over the city.

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Beitou Hot Spring

In winters I love visiting Beitou Hot Spring. It is Taipei City’s only hot spring resort and one of the best in Taiwan. I usually spend a whole day exploring the historic sights of Beitou.

I would love to live in the city for many more years but my husband might get transferred to another location in the coming months. Nevertheless, I have loved and would always cherish the wonderful years spent here.

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